Cancellations are difficult for everyone. If The Druckman Company must cancel a class due to low enrollment or other factors, enrollees will be given a full refund and can register in a future event if they wish.
If you’ve registered for an event and find you cannot attend, you are eligible for a full refund up to 10 business days before the class start date. Simply let us know, in writing, that you cannot attend class and would like a refund.
After this date, no refunds are available. However, if you cannot attend class, you are welcome to send a friend or colleague to take your spot in class. You may also, for a $200 fee, roll your registration to a future class on a space-available basis (please note this offer is available ONLY for courses sponsored by The Druckman Company and not partner-sponsored classes.) To request a cancellation, roll into another class, or substitute a registration, please contact